Earth Observation data is improving research across many disciplines and could significantly influence the intelligence available to your projects.
Through its Earth Observation services adoption calls OCRE aims to;
The OCRE Project call for EO funding for researchers provides two different funding types;
OCRE will also fund commodity cloud services directly related to the consumption of these Earth Observations services.
We encourage the research community to respond with proposals for projects that could greatly benefit from the consumption of these services. Today, researchers across all science disciplines are consuming the Copernicus Earth Observation data from an emerging market of suppliers who are quickly adding context and value to the data and providing bespoke digital services to researchers. OCRE will provide funded services from its catalogue of Earth Observation suppliers to the value of €200,000 (minimum ask is €100,000) to projects awarded, based on their relevance and ability to demonstrate the impact of these services on research activities and outcomes.
Proposals will be guided by means of an online form here.
Examples of OCRE Earth Observation suppliers