Barcelona Techno Weeks are a series of meeting point events between academia and industry, organised around a technological topic of interest for both worlds. They will include comprehensive multidisciplinary keynote presentations by world experts on the selected subjects combined with networking activities to foster collaboration among participants.
This Techno Week edition includes a course on Scientific computing in the cloud, providing direct insight from the different commercial cloud providers into different science cases. With in-person, hands-on sessions, participants will have the opportunity to experience with different cloud environments and applications.
The on-site version will include three hands-on workshops using the main Cloud providers: Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services. Instructors from each of these providers will guide the activities.
Introduce the general concepts, resources and data mining tools in the cloud.
Show the capabilities of the cloud for scientific purposes.
Understand and have a practical approach to the three most used cloud providers.
Provide a tutorial and hands-on session of each of the clouds with different projects
The event is aimed at researchers, postdocs, PhD students and industry professionals, working in scientific fields with the interest to run particular projects in the cloud. The meeting offers a good opportunity for researchers to meet experts in the three cloud environments and to know current research projects running in the cloud.
Mercè Romero (ICCUB-IEEC) - Chair
Jordi Portell (ICCUB-IEEC)
Nigel Hambly (U Edinburgh)
Monique Pellinkhof (OCRE Framework, GÉANT)
David Salazar (Telefónica)
May 29th to June 2nd 2023