EU has allocated € 9.5 million for Research and Education institutions that will adopt EOSC
One of the practical objectives of the H2020 European Commission funded project OCRE “Open Clouds for Research Environments", a 36 months initiative which began on the 1st January 2019, is to provide the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) with offerings from commercial cloud and Earth Observation Service providers. OCRE aggregates requirements and demands of the research community into a public procurement (tender), to establish agreements with cloud service providers. OCRE also stimulates cloud adoption by researchers, through an EC cloud adoption fund.
Research and education institutions will be able to use directly these funds through ready to use agreements with the Europen Open Science Cloud (EOSC) service catalogue.
Learn more about the first three Stakeholder Groups that are availing of this opportunity
To stimulate and incentivise researchers to get involved and avail of different cloud services in the support of provisioning for an all-inclusive EOSC, that endorses “open innovation, open science and open to the world, OCRE has signed three Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) this Autumn respectively with a varied set of stakeholders:
Researchers will receive ready-to-use vouchers, for using resources at commercial cloud suppliers. One of the key outcomes of the MoU is that OCRE will become a participating partner within the Early Adopter Programme (EAP) of EOSC-hub.
What is an Early Adopter Programme?
The Early Adopter Programme (EAP), which has been introduced by EOSC-hub, is oriented to communities whose research activities have very complex digital needs, involving multiple state-of-the-art technologies, research infrastructures and services that are not available in their current research environment. The EAP will provide expertise and resources to help researchers become active users of EOSC. While providing this to the users, the programme also allows the EOSC service providers to gain insights into user needs and EOSC use cases and tweak their service offering to serve the researchers better.
Additional Information
To learn more, visit the EOSC Early Adopter Programme page and OCRE cloud adoption web page.
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