The OCRE project has recently launched a new adoption funding call which provides the research community with access to approximately €6.5 million (including VAT) for both Cloud and Earth Observation services.
The new funding call follows a more streamlined process, based on the learnings and experiences from the previous call.
For Earth Observation services specifically the call is scheduled to close on July 10th, 2022.
We encourage the research community to respond with proposals for projects that could greatly benefit from the consumption of these services. Today, researchers across all science disciplines are consuming the Copernicus Earth Observation data from an emerging market of suppliers who are quickly adding context and value to the data and providing bespoke digital services to researchers. OCRE will provide funded services from its catalogue of Earth Observation suppliers to the value of €200,000 (minimum ask is €100,000) to projects awarded, based on their relevance and ability to demonstrate the impact of these services on research activities and outcomes.
Proposals will be guided by means of an online form here.
The OCRE project will procure services on behalf of awarded research projects in accordance with the rules governed by its Grant Agreement with the European Commission. In addition to this, OCRE is restricted by the rules associated with the procurement of single purpose vouchers and VAT compliance within the European Union. This unfortunately prevents OCRE from applying the proven funding mechanism outside of the EU and UK.
In the first call, institutes outside of this region were able to consume awarded services for project collaborations with institutes inside the EU. Prospective applicants working within such a research collaboration, are encouraged to to collaborate with counterparts in the EU to assist with the submission of a compelling proposal. Research projects spanning more than one country have a good chance of being awarded digital services through OCRE.
For more details, tips and background information,
see the new funding call page!