OCRE (Open Clouds for Research Environments) today launched a new round of funding vouchers for early career researchers. The vouchers worth €500 give access to cloud resources for researchers and are being distributed through OCRE partners CERN Openlab, and CloudSigma. Click here for more information on the funding.
Applications are open to research members of the Marie Curie Alumni Association and will be delivered on a first come first serve basis.
As part of its goal to encourage the uptake of commercial cloud service across the European research landscape, OCRE has created a flexible funding scheme in the form of vouchers for individual researchers and adoption funding for individual institutions & buyer groups. The different vouchers are being financed by the EU to support the development of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) by providing mechanisms to involve private sector service providers in the EOSC.
On top of this, in its quest to connect commercial cloud services with the research community, OCRE is running several tendering processes. The tenders will result in a framework that will ensure easy access to commercial cloud and digital Earth observation services for researchers. The most recent of these tenders, the IaaS+ tender was launched at the beginning of April.
Armed with better tools, researchers will be well prepared to take on Europe’s societal and medical challenges.
Want to get all the updates regarding adoption funding and vouchers? Join the OCRE Community Network now!