27 April 2020 (All day)


Following the launch of the OCRE IaaS+ Tender, the OCRE team that worked on the tender will hold a live webinar where prospective respondents to the tender can have an overview of the process.

While the webinar will include a live Q&A portion, only general questions about OCRE, NRENs and the tender response process will be entertained. In an effort to gather all questions to the procurement portal, all specific questions on the contents on the tender documents will be handled in the dedicated section on the portal.



13:00 - 13:10IntroductionRob Carillo, TRUST-IT Services
13:10 - 13:20​GÉANT and the OCRE project    David Heyns, ​GÉANT
13:20 - 13:30The NREN and cloud servicesMichel Wets, SURFNET
13:30 - 13:50The OCRE cloud tenderOlaf Verschoor, ​GÉANT
13:50 - 14:00Q&A sessionOlaf Verschoor, ​GÉANT







Missed the OCRE IaaS+ Tender Online Information Session?

Don't worry! The slides and the webinar recording are available below.





Download the presentation above.