ACOnet is the acronym for "Austrian Academic Computer Network" and represents the network for science, research and education (NREN) in Austria. It is operated by the Vienna University Computer Center, in co-operation with other Austrian Universities, since 1992. ACOnet offers a powerful and resilient backbone network infrastructure based on DWDM and 100 Gigabit Ethernet technology. It's major points of presence are co-located at Universities in Graz, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt, Linz, Salzburg and Wien (Vienna). ACOnet supplies its customers with multi-gigabit Internet access with a special focus on good national and regional connectivity through public and private peerings (Vienna Internet eXchange) and excellent connectivity to the European and global science, research and education community via GÉANT. Most of all, ACOnet is a scientific network that strives to provide support for public institutions in the fields of research, education and culture. Data exchange among participants as well as with participants of scientific networks in other countries is provided free of charge, limited only by the physical bandwidth of the participant's respective connection. Equally, data upload to commercial networks is provided at no cost. The connection fees are based exclusively on the needs of the respective participant in terms of average download capacity from commercial networks that cannot be reached via (settlement-free) peering relationships.