RASH the Academic Network of ALBANIA is the National Research and Education Network (NREN). Established 2009 with an intergovernmental Agreement of Albanian Parliament, RASH institutional constitution starts under my lead 2011 in national and international level as Albanian NREN and member of TERENA (later GÉANT) Association. 2018, RASH was reorganized as Inter-institutional Center based in an new Agreement twin all Rectors of 12 public universities and the Ministry of Education. RASH develop software applications for Ministry of Education, universities & research institutes: U-Albania (national student admission portal), digital libraries (U-Library), Teachers for Albania portal (MpSH), Trainings portal (T4All), e-Research (statistic of Research), Virtual University (V.uni), Pitagora - Student secretary management system, University Financial Management (U-Ffinanca), University Research Catalog (UCRIS) etc.