The OCRE Expert Advisory Board (EAB) has been established to assist the OCRE project with establishing impact and selection criteria for adoption funding and to support in the tender process. The EAB is composed of recognised external experts from diverse stakeholder groups that OCRE engages with. They ensure a fair and transparent evaluation of the tender and adoption funding distribution processes.
The advisors will work remotely and independently, in their personal capacity and not on behalf of an organisation, and they will be selected based on her/his field of expertise and proven experience in similar review activities while ensuring that competences, geographical and gender coverage are factored in accordingly.
The assigned expert advisors will sign a non-conflict and confidentiality agreement and will be briefed on the principles guiding the calls, application and selection criteria and evaluation process. The expert advisors will be granted access to the tender responses and adoption funding requests. The expert advisors’ assignment, briefing, formal review and evaluation are expected to last until the end of the project.