On 10 September 2020, 1600-17:00 CEST, OCRE, in partnership with EARSC, will hold its webinar: OCRE Dynamic Earth Observation Procurement to provide suppliers of digital Earth Observation services an overview of the upcoming OCRE procurement.
The webinar will start with a short introduction of the OCRE project’s ambitions and how the Earth Observation industry stands to benefit. This will be followed by an overview of the OCRE procurement of digital Earth Observation services tackling specifically the dynamic purchasing system (DPS) which will be used for the EO procurement. OCRE’s requirements gathering team will also describe the types of services that are expected to be procured in the DPS.
In addition, there will also be an overview of the adoption funding that will be made available to the research community which will further encourage consumption of the sourced EO services from the DPS.
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Geoff Sawyer (EARSC)
OCRE overview and opportunities
David Heyns (GEANT)
Download the above presentation.
Dynamic Purchasing System for EO services
Olaf Verschoor (GEANT)
Download the above presentation.
EO services to be procured
José Manuel Delgado Blasco (RHEA)
Download the above presentation.
Adoption Funding and benefits to demand
Jan Meijer (Uninett)
Download the above presentation.
Moderated by: Geoff Sawyer (EARSC)
The EOcafe will stay open after 17:00 in case you want to continue the discussion.