EOMAP’s water quality monitoring services provide temporal and spatial information on parameters which provide insight into the ecological status, dynamics and trends of inland and marine waters. Key parameters for our water quality assessments include turbidity, suspended matter, chlorophyll-a, harmful algae bloom and trophic state classification.
Our satellite-based monitoring services are a stand-alone, harmonised multi-scale and long-term information source which can be combined with traditional in-situ monitoring data to map aquatic ecosystems.
The unique selling point of EOMAP’s water quality service is the high operational level, based on cutting-edge algorithms, delivering quantitative, harmonised geospatial information from all parts of the world and using multiple satellite sensors.
We offer data at intervals from monthly to daily and with spatial resolution from kilometer grid spacings down to few meters. We provide reports, easy to use web portals and customised solutions to help you access and manage all the information you need.
With eoLytics Water Quality, we also created a fully operational, extremely user-friendly processing system. It is a browser-based application, where registered users can do their own water quality processing on the EOMAP cloud, using our latest, state-of-the-art algorithms.