Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB) is the most recently developed method of surveying shallow waters. In contrast to other survey methods, it requires no mobilisation of persons or equipment, provides rapid access to bathymetric data and saves costs. Our Satellite-Derived Bathymetry makes operations in shallow water more effective and reduces project risks.
We have developed SDB algorithms since the 1990s and strictly follow physics-based, quantitative solutions to convert the information collected by the satellite sensor into bathymetric data. As the only SDB provider, our data fulfil the highest quality requirements and are being used in recent nautical charts, operational hydrodynamic models and coastal zone management plans.
We offer SDB data in very high (2 m), high (10 m) and moderate (15-30 m) spatial resolutions. Our turnaround times range from hours (using EOMAP’s bathymetric archives) to a few weeks, depending on project location and size.