Earth Observation (EO) has entered a new era with an unprecedented availability of EO data boosted by the advent of the Copernicus EO missions. Though this wealth of data expressed in terms of volume, variety and complexity poses challenges, particularly for training activities. For a few years now, new technologies such as Cloud computing and powerful open source image processing toolboxes have emerged in order to tackle such challenges. When mastered, such technologies can facilitate the development of training activities that are still to date, often limited by outdated computers, or internet bandwidth. In this context, CS GROUP and its partner SERCO Italia propose the EOCare offer which consists in the provision of resources to perform training activities in the field of EO image processing. The EOCare offer relies on a consortium that has a proven experience in performing EO training thanks to its experts, and efficient ICT environments.
The EOCare offer proposes support to external training activities. In such a case, the Customer is responsible for organizing the training event while EOCare provides only the virtual machines and ICT support. EOcare consists also in offering an end-to-end solution for either face-to-face or remote training events. In such a case, EOCare provides not only the ICT resources and support but handles the curriculum of the session and provides trainers.