Ellip is a set of fully fledged Platform-as-a-Service (or PaaS) solutions provided by Terradue to support the Earth Science and Services Communities to exploit Earth observations from satellites directly on the Cloud. The Ellip Studio service offers an environment for developing Cloud-ready Earth Observation Applications tailored for reproducible and portable Earth Observation (EO) application packages accessing large EO data collections respecting the FAIR principles.
The Support to Algorithm Integration provides a dedicated Cloud application integration environment with software tools, libraries and access to distributed Earth Observation data repositories powered by dedicated ICT resources and storage. The Algorithm Integration process supports developers to adapt and package their existing algorithms written in a specific language to be reproducible, deployed and executable in different platforms. By following the Open Geospatial Consortium Best Practice to package and deploy Earth Observation Applications in an Exploitation Platform the User Algorithm is ready to be deployed in many different ICT providers without platform lock-in.
The User Algorithm Hosting includes the provision of the ICT resources necessary for the planned usage scenario, the operations management for the hosted service and the Web Applications customized for the service execution and monitoring.
ESA Network of Resources (NoR)